Natural Gas Piping

Natural Gas Piping

A Project In Collaboration With Gonell Homes. 

This is a cinema example of our professional gas installation abilities. All outdoor gas lines are tailored to your residence. 

Relax with a cigar, scotch, or hopefully both to enjoy your Toronto penthouse view. We are working with UK based modern fire pit company Paloform and they are very well built. With the stones inside they weigh approximately 500 lbs each! A natural gas line was branched off an existing outdoor supply, then split into two smaller hose connections that enter the pits from underneath. They give off nice heat and don’t make any noise. This was a high-end gas install exercise for our technicians and a beautiful appliance for the homeowners. More picture to come but for now please enjoy the cinema and consider contacting Blackrock HVAC or Gonell Homes for your lifestyle renovations.


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